In MatchMySound, you can assign specific sections of a piece to help students focus on targeted practice areas. Here’s how to assign a section:
Steps to Assign a Section
1. Open the Content Library:
• Log in to your MatchMySound account.
• Go to the Content Library and select the piece or exercise you want to assign.
2. Select a Section:
• Open the content and navigate to the section you wish to assign.
• Use the Section Selection Tool (usually a highlight or range selector) to mark the specific measures or parts of the piece.
3. Create the Assignment:
• Click the Assign button.
• Provide a Title and Description for the assignment.
• Add any Additional Instructions to clarify expectations for the section.
4. Set Assignment Details:
• Select a Due Date to set a deadline for the assignment.
• Specify the Target Scores for pitch, rhythm, and timing, if applicable.
• Allow or restrict Multiple Attempts based on your preference.
5. Assign to Students or Groups:
• In the Assign To field, choose individual students or entire groups.
• Use the search bar to find specific students quickly.
6. Review and Send:
• Double-check all assignment details to ensure accuracy.
• Click Send Assignment to deliver the section to the selected students or groups.
Benefits of Assigning Sections
• Targeted Practice: Focus on specific areas that need improvement.
• Efficient Learning: Saves time by directing attention to challenging parts.
• Customizable Assignments: Allows for tailored practice to meet individual student needs.
• Use the Section Selection Tool carefully to highlight the exact measures you want students to practice.
• Monitor student progress on the section and provide feedback to support their development.
• Reassign or adjust sections as needed based on student performance.
By assigning sections, you can help your students improve in targeted areas, making their practice sessions more productive and effective.