Creating a Teacher Account from an Invitation Email (Enterprise Customers)

2 min. readlast update: 10.18.2023

This article explains how to create your Teacher Account from an invitation email. If your MatchMySound Account is provided to you by your Music School or Lesson Program, you will receive an email invitation to set up your account. 

Please note if you are a Private Music Teacher or Director you will create your account directly from our registration page which can be found here. For more information please see this article.

Once your Music School or Lesson Program has chosen to provide MatchMySound to their Teachers and Students, you will recieve an email invitation to set up your account. That email will look similar to this:


Clicking the Accept the invitation button will take you to the registration page where you will agree to our Terms of Service and choose how you would like to login to your MatchMySound account. 


Agree to the Terms of Service and acknowledge that you are not using our program in a K-12 School. For more information about using MatchMySound in your K-12 program click Here

Next choose how you would like to login to your new account. Using Google or Facebook will require you to verify your Google or Facebook account in order to proceed. If you would prefer to use your email address and a password of your choosing, click Username and Password. 

To view a video tutorial on this topic, please see this article

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