A student might not always want to play the whole piece. They may need to practice shorter passages. In MatchMySound, it is possible to mark a Section, which is an option in the right panel under Sections.
The section will be created starting from the cursor position. You can then drag it from the side handles to adjust the start and end points or grab it from the upper handle to move the whole section.
There are three types of sections:
User-Created Section
This is what the previous images demonstrated. Every student can make their sections for practicing, and these will not be saved unless the student records a take and saves or submits it.
A teacher can create an assignment with a specific section for students to practice. The teacher selects a section and then assigns the Exercise to a student. Note that there will be a choice of assigning only the designated section or a full exercise.
However, if a teacher selects a section and then assigns the Exercise to a student, there will be a choice of assigning only the designated section:
Improvisational Section
The third section type is the Improvisational Section. Some Exercises include sections that call for free improvisation, such as, for example, a guitar solo. Such sections can be set as Improvisational, and the MMS Feedback will be inactive for that particular passage.