Creating Groups

1 min. readlast update: 09.26.2024

If you have many Learners on your Roster, you may want to organize your Roster into Groups.

 Learners can be added to a group when you invite them to join MatchMySound or you can organize them into groups after they have been added to your Roster.

 Adding someone to a group when sending the invitation to join MatchMySound:

  1. Go to My Roster.
  2. Click Add Learner.
  3. Enter the Learner's email address in the "E-mail" field.
  4. Type the Group name in the "Group" field.
  5. Click Send Invite.


Adding a Learner from your Roster to a Group

  1. Go to My Roster
  2. Place a check in the box next to the name of the Learner you want to add to a group.
  3. Click Edit Group.
  4. Type the name of the Group in the "Group" field.
  5. Click Save.

For a Video Tutorial about Groups please see this article

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