There are several ways to assign songs or exercises to your students. Follow the steps below depending on whether you’re assigning to one student, multiple students, or a group.
To Assign a Song or Exercise to One Student
1. Open the piece
• Find it in the Content Library or My Content.
2. Click Assign.
3. Select the student
• Use the drop-down list to pick the student.
4. Choose the part
• Assign a specific part or leave it as the default “All Parts” to give access to everything.
5. Adjust Advanced Options (if needed).
• Learn more about Advanced Options.
6. Click Assign.
To Assign a Piece to Multiple Students
You can assign a piece to your entire roster, selected students, or an entire group.
Assign to Your Entire Roster
1. Go to My Roster.
2. Click Assign to All.
3. Choose the Collection you want to assign from.
4. Search for the title you wish to assign.
5. Adjust Advanced Options as needed.
• Learn more about Advanced Options.
6. Click Assign.
Assign to Select Students
1. Go to My Roster.
2. Check the boxes next to the students you want to assign the piece to.
3. Click Assign to Selected.
4. Follow steps 3–6 from “Assign to Your Entire Roster.”
To Assign a Piece to a Group
If you’ve set up Groups in your account, you can assign a piece to an entire group at once. Learn more about using Groups.
1. Click the Group name in the My Roster area.
2. Click Assign to All.
3. Choose the Collection you want to assign from.
4. Search for the title you wish to assign.
5. Adjust Advanced Options as needed.
• Learn more about Advanced Options.
6. Click Assign.
You’re all set! Your students will now have access to the assignments you’ve sent.