Uploading Content with Notation

1 min. readlast update: 01.06.2025

This article covers the steps for uploading an exercise with notation to MatchMySound. If you need tips for creating and formatting notation files for use with MatchMySound, please see this article

Once you have a MuseScore or musicxml file you are ready to add to MatchMySound, you will follow these steps to upload it to your account. From there, you will be able to assign it to your Students. 

1.  From the Dashboard click on Create Content


2.  Click Create your own content (+)


3.  Click Upload Score File(s)


4.  Choose the saved Musescore or MusicXML file from your computer


5.  The new exercise will appear in your list of content with a pending status


6.  Once processing is completed, the status will change to “New”


7.  Click on the exercise in your list of content to finalize it.


8.  Update the Title, Author, or Description if needed and click Save


The Exercise will now appear in My Content and can be assigned to your students.

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